Light, Dark, and Cleats: Two Month Anniversary Edition

Tomorrow is the two month anniversary of Ultiworld. To celebrate, we’ve put together some of our best work since the start to help you catch up on what you might have missed. We’d like to thank you for reading and for your continued support — we hope to continue to build a global community here on the site in the coming months. Don’t hesitate to contact us with ideas, suggestions, or cool content we should post!

First off, fresh links for today:

A Craigslist missed connection from Toronto’s Gender Blender — find each other!

Ever wondered how apparel companies sublimate jerseys? Here’s a detailed explanation.

What you should eat for optimal athletic performance.


And there’s lots more reading for the weekend — if you’re not playing Sectionals — after the jump.

Need to get caught up on the AUDL lawsuit? We put together a beginner’s guide that explains the basics.

We’ve been talking lately about how to improve the media coverage of Ultimate, especially on ESPN. Here’s our ideas, Brodie Smith’s response, and our response to Brodie, including a roundup of other comments.

An exploration of whether or not Ultimate will ever become an Olympic sport.

The big story from Worlds was the game between Canada and Japan, not because of the universe point finish but because of the unspirited play. An observer shared his thoughts on the game and the spirit scores confirmed Canada’s unspirited play. The team apologized for its play and has made a real effort to improve this season.

And Canadian Ultimate has inspired at least one fan, who watched at Nationals and wrote this amazing note to the tournament directors.

Many players have argued that Worlds needs Observers for its games. But the World Flying Disc Federation, the governing body, stands against them. Read all about Observers in our new series.

We interviewed Tim Morrill, an Ultimate strength and conditioning coach, about how to train for Ultimate. And we talked to the founders of UltiCards, a new take-home way to learn skills and drills.

Second tier teams will get a chance to compete on a national level in the playoffs with the new Ultimate Invite Championships.

We’ve been rethinking the rules. Here’s some ideas: shot clocks, no more running out the clock, and penalty boxes.

Finally, watch some video. Here’s some top 10 plays: Wildwood, Chesapeake Open, Emerald City Classic, Chesapeake Invite, and Labor Day Championships. Watch full game footage of Sockeye v. Doublewide and GOAT v. Chain Lightning. There’s tons more — including game recaps, highlight plays, and interviews — in our video section.


Be sure to follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Tumblr for breaking news and even more content.

  1. Charlie Eisenhood
    Charlie Eisenhood

    Charlie Eisenhood is the editor-in-chief of Ultiworld.You can reach him by email ([email protected]) or on Twitter (@ceisenhood).

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