MLU Announces Western Conference Team Names

Major League Ultimate's Western Conference logo.Over the holiday weekend, Major League Ultimate released the names of the five Western Conference teams. The announcement comes on the heels of their revealing of the Eastern Conference’s team names on Wednesday.

As with the Eastern teams, every West Coast team was named with something at least loosely associated with its city. A selection of the MLU’s rationale — along with the team names — is listed below.

Sometime today, the league will announce a logo design contest for the teams.

Vancouver Nighthawks — “There is something about a nocturnal, predatory bird that’s hard not to like. Common to British Columbia, Nighthawks have an acrobatic, if erratic, flight pattern used to catch their quick, agile prey.

Seattle Rainmakers — “The Space Needle, Mt. Rainier, Pike’s Market. All of these are iconic features of Seattle, but none is as intimately associated with the city as its famous drizzle.”

Portland Stags — “An unabashed reference to Portland’s White Stag Building and its iconic neon sign, this team name also accepts the mythological tone of its totem.”

San Francisco Dogfish — “The dogfish is a shark species common in the San Francisco Bay area…The dogfish earned its name from its tendency to hunt in packs, and we thought teamwork like that was a great qualification for a team name.”

San Jose Black Hats — “The reference to the modern-day tech bad guys in an area renowned for technological development proved impossible to resist.”

  1. Charlie Eisenhood
    Charlie Eisenhood

    Charlie Eisenhood is the editor-in-chief of Ultiworld.You can reach him by email ([email protected]) or on Twitter (@ceisenhood).

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