The Boston Whitecaps' Jeff Graham made the #1 play on ESPN SportsCenter Top 10 tonight at 11 PM, the station's flagship episode. During the 12 AM episode, when we recorded the clip, he had dropped to number two behind a 12th inning walkoff homerun.
May 15, 2013 by Charlie Eisenhood in Video with 11 comments
The Boston Whitecaps’ Jeff Graham made the #1 play on ESPN SportsCenter Top 10 tonight at 11 PM, the station’s flagship episode. During the 12 AM episode, when we recorded the clip, he had dropped to number two behind the Pittsburgh Pirates’ Andrew McCutchen 12th inning walk off home run.
Graham’s play — a layout score on a floaty, tipped disc — was picked up quickly by ESPN after being released by Major League Ultimate earlier today.
[youtube gCKPP9H40HM 600 377]