Oregon Ends UC Davis’ Cinderella Run In The Quarters

Oregon's Aaron Honn grabs the disc past a Georgia defender.
Photo by Alex Fraser — UltiPhotos.com

Oregon came into the quarterfinals as one of the only two pool winners to suffer no losses during pool play. UC-Davis, on the other hand, came in as the lowest seed to qualify for quarterfinals. While Oregon had looked remarkably consistent, the Dogs were looking to continue disrupting the expected pace of the tournament.

Unfortunately for Davis, there just wasn’t enough in the tank and Oregon advanced to quarterfinals by a score of 15-9.

Though the score looks like Oregon maintained control of the game throughout, that simply wasn’t the case. Davis kept things tight throughout most of the first half, leading by a break all the way through a tied game 6-6. That’s when the Ego that most would have expected to be present from the beginning of the game showed up. Oregon earned its break back and then broke again to take half 8-6.

From there on, it was all Ego, all the time. Oregon extended its lead time and time again with Davis unable to handle the pressure that Oregon was applying. In the second half Oregon junior Dylan Freechild matched up well with Davis star Eli Kerns and contained Kerns’ ability to affect the game.

Oregon outscored the Dogs 7-3 in the second half and allowed themselves the opportunity to rest going into semifinals.

Oregon will be matched up with Pittsburgh in its semifinal game at 5:30 PM CDT tonight. You can watch the game live on ESPN 3 and the Watch ESPN app.

  1. Michael Aguilar

    Michael Aguilar is a reporter for Ultiworld. He began playing Ultimate in the summer of 2008 at the urging of a few University of South Carolina players. He played for USC in the spring of 2009 and for LSU in the spring of 2011. In his spare time during those years, he ran one of the first ever Ultimate news blogs, Movin' On Up.. He has played club for Brah, Ironmen and Six Pack. He currently coaches at Catholic High School in Baton Rouge, La. He owes all his success to his loving wife Kendall.

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