Ultiworld Is Hiring A Business Developer

Ultiworld is seeking an experienced business developer to help us generate new advertising and sponsorship leads and sales as we continue to grow. The part-time position will work directly with Ultiworld’s core staff to identify new potential clients and develop partnerships both in and outside the ultimate community.

Salary is negotiable and will include commissions on sales.

Duties will include:

– Building and maintaining relationships with current and new clients
– Using an established network of contacts to help Ultiworld branch out into non-endemic industries
– Delivering effective one-on-one or group presentations to prospective clients
– Planning attractive partnership options for clients

We are looking for someone with experience doing business development, advertising sales, and/or business networking. Other qualities we will be looking for include:

– A high degree of self-sufficiency and an understanding of what to do next without needing instruction
– Excellent written and verbal communication skills (particularly an aptitude for delivering compelling presentations)
– Analytical thinking
– Resourcefulness in a fast-paced business environment

We hope to find someone who is as passionate about ultimate as we are, though that is not a critical component of this position. A working knowledge of the sport (and the business of the sport) are plusses, but not requisites.

Please send a resume and cover letter to [email protected] to apply.

  1. Charlie Eisenhood
    Charlie Eisenhood

    Charlie Eisenhood is the editor-in-chief of Ultiworld.You can reach him by email ([email protected]) or on Twitter (@ceisenhood).

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