February 28, 2014 by Charlie Eisenhood in News, Video
Live coverage now available on the dedicated tournament page.
Here is Ultiworld’s updated streaming schedule at the 2014 Stanford Invite. Half of the fields on the Stanford campus have been closed due to rain, so the men’s division has been moved to Stevinson, CA, which is 2 hours from Palo Alto.
That means that, unfortunately, we will no longer be able to stream any women’s games. We will be at the men’s field site all weekend. Fans of women’s games can rest assured that we will have lots of great video coverage later this season at the Northwest Challenge, a women’s only tournament, in late March.
Round times have also changed, so check below for the updated schedule.
Our livestreams will be available for free on YouTube, and you’ll be able to follow all of the action LIVE right here on Ultiworld on our dedicated tournament page.
If you want access to games after they stream live, you will need to purchase access to the archives as they become available. You can also become a College Season Pass holder or an Ultiworld Premium subscriber, and support our efforts while getting great benefits in return.
SATURDAY (All times Pacific)
9:40 AM — Colorado v. UC San Diego
11:20 AM — Texas v. Central Florida *OR* Oregon v. Florida State (VOTE HERE)
2:00 PM — North Carolina v. Pittsburgh (M)
3:40 PM — Men’s Prequarter (TBA)
SUNDAY (All times Pacific)
8:00 AM — Men’s Quarter
10:00 AM — Men’s Semi
1:00 PM — Men’s Finals