Major League Ultimate Announces New Rules For 2014

The logo of Major League Ultimate, the new professional Ultimate league.In their podcast this week, Major League Ultimate’s Jeff Snader and Nic Darling announced the league’s new rules for 2014. Though some are more mundane, there are some innovative changes to the standard USA Ultimate rule set. Take a look.

– If a team’s defense catches a Callahan (a score thrown by the opposition’s offense, like an interception for a touchdown in football), that same team then receives the pull, similar to the way the safety works in football.

– Delay of game assessed on the pull is now a 20 yard penalty — the pull will now come from the back of the endzone — instead of a 10 yard penalty

– A pull that lands in bounds and then goes out of bounds will now be put into play at the greater playing field closest to where it went out. That means that pulls that roll out the back of the endzone will be put into play at the back of the endzone (not the front as in USAU competition).

– All travels are now turnovers. However, rounding after a catch is no longer a travel. So, turning up field after catching a disc — provided you don’t drastically change direction — will not be a travel.

– Offensive fouls are now turnovers (except picks, which remain a yardage penalty). If you push off on a cut, for example, the defense gets the disc.

– Flopping can be penalized with a ‘band,’ MLU’s version of a yellow card. It can be retroactively applied, as in the NBA.


What do you think of Major League Ultimate’s new rules for 2014?

  1. Charlie Eisenhood
    Charlie Eisenhood

    Charlie Eisenhood is the editor-in-chief of Ultiworld.You can reach him by email ([email protected]) or on Twitter (@ceisenhood).

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