Tiina’s Take: Day 3

Tiina sends in her final dispatch from Frisco.

Boston Ironside at sunset at 2014 Nationals
Photo by Christina Schmidt — UltiPhotos.com

This will be my last daily entry from Frisco. Look for my Ultiworld Report Card later this week. Feel free to stop my today at the fields and give me a category and a grade and a reason. Example:

Bathrooms: A
Reason: They are not port-a-johns.

Conversations of the Day: With most of the action centered around the main stadium field yesterday, I had the opportunity to have many chats with many different people. Here is a quick rundown of the topics and, yes, you most likely will be seeing some in-depth looks this fall and winter on Ultiworld.

– Fury/Riot semi not on ESPN3
– Streaker during the first men’s semi
– Brodie being followed by a small posse of small players
– Gender equity Policy
– The tournament party site
– A baked potato with a side of potato salad as a vegetarian entree
– Who has access to the broadcast booth
– Men’s games not reaching a final score of 15
– Pizza delivery to fans in the stands
– Number of stoppages in the men’s semi-finals
– TMFS and PMFs and blue cards, yellow cards, red cards, one fish, two fish
– Gwen and Matty retiring
– Those shirts from the Seattle mixed team
– Observers
– Danny Clark as winner of the Farricker award!

Favorite Conversation of the Tournament: I was walking ahead of three boys about 12 years old on Friday. They were amped about being here and I heard one of them say: “This tournament is awesome! It would be really great if Brodie was here!”

I turned, delivered the good news, and pointed them toward Bravo. Whoops and hollers.

Surprise of the Day: The stands emptying by almost half after the Ironside/Ring semi. This happened at College Nationals too. I am beginning to believe that the timing of these games is more important than who is playing. Since most of the fans are players, priority is given to rides, food, showers, and other activities.

Daily Protocol for consoling players who are in tears:

1. First Wave is composed of teammates, coaches and perhaps significant others. Stay away until the team slowly disperses from the huddle.
2. Second Wave has those leery boyfriends and girlfriends, parents, siblings, ex-coaches, friends and close fans. Wait to be approached.
3. Third Wave is the clueless ones who walk by an hour after the loss and say, “How was your game?” Prepare for teary hugs.

Pet Peeve of the Day: Don’t really have one. Disappointing, I know, but I guarantee I will bounce back soon.

Final Word of the Day: I have to leave before halftime of the Men’s finals today. I don’t have the pressure of a job to return to but I am still already feeling the letdown. For those who have competed these last few days, you will most likely have some serious post-nationals blues in the next few weeks. Even if your team did really well. While the absence of practices, travel and competition will be a relief in some ways, there will still be a feeling of loss and some grief. Expect it, ride it, and be grateful.

  1. Tiina Booth

    Tiina is an Ultiworld columnist. She retired from teaching English at Amherst Regional High School 4 years ago and retired from coaching their varsity boys team this past September. She still runs the National Ultimate Training Camp and offers clinics on coaching, training and sports psychology to teams of all levels. She is a co-author of Essential Ultimate and one of the founders of the Ultimate Coaches and Players Conference. She will be coaching the UMass men's team for the 2014-15 season.

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