May 29, 2015 by Ultiworld in Sponsored

This post is sponsored by VC Ultimate.
VC Ultimate is expanding again.
Just one year after merging with Spin, an Atlanta-based ultimate apparel company, VC has crossed the Atlantic and partnered with Lookfly, a UK based merchandiser.
“The idea of setting up a European office has been brewing for several years, and became a reality as we started planning for Worlds in Italy last year,” said VC owner Adriana Withers. “When we won the contract as WFDF’s official merchandise for 2015 and 2016, we knew that is was going to be essential to set up a more permanent subsidiary in Europe.”
There have long been challenges for US apparel companies to work with teams overseas, including prohibitive import taxes, shipping costs and delays. VC establishing an office in Europe will make it easier and less expensive for the company to serve European customers.
“Lookfly was the first ultimate brand created in Europe and their values totally align with VC,” said Withers. “Lookfly thinks global and makes local, which we have always respected. The plan to join forces felt right from the beginning.”
Lookfly will continue to offer European-made sublimated apparel and will also sell VC and, later, Printed Performance gear. VC will oversee all manufacturing from their Toronto headquarters. VC Europe will also be launching a brand new online store featuring Lookfly gear — and all shipping will come from the Lookfly offices in the UK.
“What is awesome is that Lookfly has solid experience and knowledge within the European Ultimate community,” said Withers. “VC has the resources to help expand both their product offering and reach as well as VC’s within Europe, while still maintaining both companies’ values.”
The two companies will look to expand their team and tournament sponsorships in Europe along side the launch of the online store.
VC’s expansion is aggressive, but logical, says Withers. With more playing opportunities and outlets than ever before, VC wants to stay ahead of the curve. “Ultimate is growing everywhere – by leaps and bounds – but there’s still a lot of regional loyalty to brands,” she said. “When we think about growing VC as a company, we really think about it in terms of wanting to offer the best of all worlds to the most players, and at a variety of price-points.”