Star handler is rejoining Ring right at the roster deadline.
September 2, 2015 by Sean Childers in News

Earlier today, Ultiworld ran a story on the “Top 5 Men’s Players Not On A Club Roster This Year.” Number three on that list was Jared Inselmann, a former Ring of Fire and Chain Lightning player who, at his peak, was one of the top players in the Southeast.
Turns out Inselmann is again cleating up for Ring of Fire after all. Rumors starting popping up this afternoon, both online and in off-record comments to Ultiworld, that Ring had used one of its final two roster spots on Inselmann. In part the speculation was fueled by Inselmann’s inclusion on Ring’s USAU roster. As of this posting, that roster currently includes 50 names, well-beyond the 27 man roster limit for postseason club play; at least to some degree, that roster is overfilled and definitely inaccurate.
But Inselmann subsequently confirmed the move to Ultiworld via email. “It was completely unplanned, but some long time teammates and friends of mine reached out to me,” Inselmann told Ultiworld. “The idea of going back to my long-time team of 8 years, playing alongside old teammates, and representing Ring once again seemed too sweet to turn down.”
Ring captains also confirmed the move, echoing that they were excited to see Inselmann back with his old team.
One catch: Inselmann will only be attending Nationals with the Raleigh-based squad. While favored, Ring will nonetheless have to fight Florida United, Chain Lightning, and other solid squads in order to secure one of the only two bids at an incredibly tough Southeast Regionals.
**Editor’s Note: We apologize for the error in the earlier post and are currently updating it. This post may be updated as more information becomes available.