All-Star Kate Scarth Joins #2 British Columbia

A huge pickup for UBC.

Kate Scarth. Photo Jolie Lang --
Kate Scarth. Photo Jolie Lang —

Second ranked British Columbia wants to unseat their regional rival Oregon as College champions this year, and they’ve added firepower to do it: Kate Scarth will be a Thunderbird this spring.

Scarth is one of the top young female talents in Canada. She traveled with the All-Star Tour this summer between stints with Winnipeg Fusion and Vancouver Traffic. She was a 1st team All-Region player in 2015 with Victoria, where she led the team in goals at Nationals. Scarth scored the second most goals of any player at Nationals (19) and was one of four players in the top 25 in both goals and assists (14).

UBC is aiming to go stride for stride with Oregon after a semifinals exit last season at Fugue’s hands. The reigning champions added a transfer of their own when Wisconsin’s Maggie Kennedy came over; UBC’s matching that with a big acquisition. Scarth has been one of the division’s most well rounded offensive threats, with plus speed, big layouts, and strong handling skills.

Here’s her 2015 Callahan video from Victoria:

Kate Scarth For Callahan | Kate Scarth’s 2015 Callahan Video

Scarth did not respond to a request for comment by press time.

  1. Keith Raynor

    Keith Raynor is a Senior Editor and the Women's Coverage Coordinator at Ultiworld. He coaches Emory Luna, the college's women's team.

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