Announcing The 2016 College Video Subscription

New subscription options highlight the 2016 College Packs!

Jeff Babbitt goes over the top for the block. Photo: Jolie Lang --
UMass’ Jeff Babbitt goes over the top for the block against UNC Wilmington. Photo: Jolie Lang —

We are excited to announce new video subscription options for 2016, including the Team Pack, Individual College Pass, and a brand new monthly subscription!

After a long review of our video survey results, we decided it appropriate to change our video hosting provider. Our new streaming/download provider — VHX — was built from the ground up for video producers and should be a welcome change to long time subscribers used to our past interfaces.

VHX offers streaming compatibility with almost all devices — desktop, mobile, Roku, Chromecast, Airplay, and more. Moving forward, we hope to also develop custom iPhone, Android, and Apple TV apps designed for even easier access to our video subscriptions.

Like in 2015, we will require a subscription to watch archived video, but our livestreams will be 100% free on YouTube while the game is live! We will have more information about our upcoming live events in the near future.

For the upcoming college season, there will be three ways to subscribe to the archived video:

Team Pack ($350). Subscribe to the College Team Pack to get subscription access for your entire college team and coaching staff. You will have both streaming (stream archived video anytime) and download access to games. Includes the opportunity to submit practice, captaining, and strategy questions to Ultiworld’s Coaches’ Corner. **Note: Teams that subscribed to the 2014-15 Team Pack will receive an email with a special offer + discount on the 2015-16 package.**

Individual Season Pass ($65). Subscribe to the 2016 college subscription for full access to Ultiworld’s videos from the college season. You will have both streaming (stream our video anytime)  and download (VOD) access to games.

Monthly Subscription ($15/mo.). Subscribe for full streaming (stream archived video anytime) access to Ultiworld’s entire collection of games. Cancel anytime.

Please go explore at our permanent web address for video access: video.ultiworld.comFrom there, you can buy a subscription, access your subscription, ask us or the community questions in the forums, and more. Note that the Team Pack is purchased via PayPal via our Subscribe page.

If you enjoy Ultiworld’s work and value our contribution to the Ultimate community, please purchase a package or a subscription.  As our primary product, the video sales subsidize the columns, news, and analysis posted on the website — and will also help us make investments in more video equipment (e.g., replay, multiple camera angles, more filmed games).  Also, please purchase the package that reflects your actual use — we’re again appealing to the community to be proactive about sustaining our work. Sharing a login may seem like no big deal, but we are a small enough business that (literally) every sale matters.

For more background on our move to video subscriptions, check out our prior two posts on the subject.

Planned Video Coverage
Likely to grow, and subject to change


Missouri Loves Company (M/W)
Classic City Classic (M)


Bellingham Invite (W)
Santa Barbara Invite (M/W)
Queen City Tune Up (M/W)
Florida Warm Up (M)
President’s Day Invite (M/W)
Stanford Invite (M/W)
Easterns (M)
Centex (W)
Northwest Challenge (M/W)
Select Regionals – TBD

Our current plan is to keep the gender breakdown of our coverage consistent with past practices for the College Division, which has been a roughly 60:40 Men’s:Women’s ratio. 

We are happy to answer questions in the comments below or by email at [email protected].

  1. Charlie Eisenhood
    Charlie Eisenhood

    Charlie Eisenhood is the editor-in-chief of Ultiworld.You can reach him by email ([email protected]) or on Twitter (@ceisenhood).

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