Sin The Fields: UNCW, Spring Break, Steroids, Fools Fest Winners

The STF boys missed a week, but they're back with a vengeance.

This podcast is NSFW for explicit language, sexual references, and drug/alcohol references.

Tad Wissel and Patrick Stegemoeller discuss the UNCW fake injury, talk with a sports medicine specialist about performance enhancing drugs in ultimate, break down Spring Break, and announce the Fools’ Fest STF contest winners.

Get in touch with Tad and Pat with stories, suggestions, or feedback at [email protected] or @sinthefields. Even better: call and leave a question or comment on our Ultiworld hotline at (302) 448-ULTI (8584).

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  1. Tad Wissel

    Tad Wissel is an Ultiworld reporter.

  2. Patrick Stegemoeller

    Patrick Stegemoeller is a reporter for Ultiworld and a law student who lives in Washington DC. He captained SUNY-Geneseo Snail and began playing ultimate in high school with AUDA of Albany. He hopes that his degree in History will prove to be valuable at some point. You can find him on twitter at @patstegs.

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