
The Ultiworld Crossword
Final Four

We’ve got some big crossword puzzle fans at Ultiworld. For the first time, we’re publishing an in-house puzzle available to subscribers with, of course, an ultimate-based theme. We’d love your feedback on the puzzle: you can send it to [email protected]. Also, if you send in your screenshot of your completed puzzle, we’ll send an Ultiworld swag box to one lucky winner.

Note: This feature requires JavaScript to be enabled. While it is accessible on mobile devices, it is best viewed with Google Chrome on a desktop or laptop computer.

Want to see more crossword puzzles in the future? Let us know! Email us ([email protected]) or hit us up on social media.

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    Orion Burt

    Orion Burt is the Director of Technology for Ultiworld. Born in Seattle, attended NYU, previously co-founded Fondu. You can reach him by email ([email protected]) or on Twitter (@oburt).

  • This puzzle is exclusively for Ultiworld subscribers. Thank you for supporting our work!

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