2013 Madcow Roster

Here is the 2013 Columbus Madcow roster.

[quote]Eliot Alexander
Justin “Juice” Baumann
Kevin “Kbau” Baumann
David “Temp” Bentrovato
Nate “Natas” Botti
Phil Cherosky (c)
Mitch Cihon (c)
Hamza “Bombz” Dodo
Mark “KFed” Fedorenko
Zach Ford
Nick “Snaps” Hamilton
Kevin Hanzel
Mark Hritz
Kieran Kelly
Logan Kruger
Danny Latz
Mike “NuTang” Meilstrip
Rodger “Rodgfather” Oakes
Danny “DO” Olson
Matt “Molson” Olson
Jordan Rhyne
Kevin Willis Ryan
Josh “Swanny” Swanson
Joe Taris (c)
Brandon “BT” Thomas
John Wilder
Jesse “Spike” Wohl[/quote]

  1. Charlie Eisenhood
    Charlie Eisenhood

    Charlie Eisenhood is the editor-in-chief of Ultiworld.You can reach him by email ([email protected]) or on Twitter (@ceisenhood).

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