June 19, 2013 by Charlie Eisenhood in Livewire with 8 comments
Here is the 2013 roster for Dallas’ Plex, a Select Flight team.
[quote]Daniel Bess
Andrew Boyd
Noel Brennan
Chris Brooks
Paul Burt (Captain)
Arthur Corbitt
Matthew Costello
William Dubose
Jay Dunlop
Andrew Eubanks
Casey Guinn
Bryan Hoffman
Jeremy Llewellyn
Kai Marshall
Leith McMillan
Wes Nemec
David Richardson (Captain)
Phil Rollo
Scott Sample (Captain)
CW Sheehan
Chris Spittal
William Tohlen
Joe Tylutki
Austin Walker
Jack Wooldridge[/quote]
David Richardson, one of the team’s captains, told Ultiworld, “We should be making a good run at Nationals this year and will upset some teams for sure. This is the best line up a Dallas team has ever put out.”