June 21, 2013 by Charlie Eisenhood in Livewire with 1 comments
Here is the 2013 Portland Schwa roster, announced last week. They are an elite flight team after finishing 16th at the 2012 Club Championships.
[quote]Adrienne ‘Adie’ Bovee
Alexa Dix
Aubri Bishop
Beckie Zipp
Bre Austin (Captain)
Cate Roscoe
Chloe Mandell
Delia Chiu
Emelie McKain
Emily Flanders (Captain)
Jenica Villamor
Jenny Tibbals (Captain)
Kelly Hansen
Kelsey Colpitts
Kimber Coles
Liz ‘Knuckles’ Nichols
Laura Sard
Lora Liegel
Malina Wiebe
Meghan Miller
Kathryn ‘Nij’ Weatherhead
Alex Ode
Jen ‘Poof’ Sanderson
Sara York
Sarah ‘Serbia’ Read-Brown
Shahnnen ‘Shox’ Knox
Tiffany Henderson[/quote]
Notable additions include handler Emelie McKain and recently champions from Oregon Fugue Kimber Coles and Adie Bovee.