2013 Truck Stop Roster

Check out the 2013 Washington D.C. Truck Stop roster.

[quote]Alan Kolick
Ben Feng
Ben Fleming
Ben Snell
Bobby Gordon
Brent Bellinger
Brian Marshall
Cody Johnston
Daniel Kantor
David Cranston
Duke Boylin-Kolchin
Erik Salmi
Jeff Wodatch
Jonathan Neeley
Keven Moldenhauer
Mark Lin
Markham Shofner
Matt Gordon
Philipp Haas
Rob Dulabon
Ryan Thompson
Sean Keegan
Seth Collins
Tom Doi
Trey Katzenbach[/quote]

Despite suggestions that a large contingent of former Philadelphia Southpaw players would be joining the roster, only Trey Katzenbach, the team’s captain, Ryan Thompson, and Ben Feng will be making the drive south. [Well, only Trey will, since Thompson and Feng live in Washington.]

The team’s top players all return, many of them with an early start to the playing season with Major League Ultimate’s DC Current.

  1. Charlie Eisenhood
    Charlie Eisenhood

    Charlie Eisenhood is the editor-in-chief of Ultiworld.You can reach him by email ([email protected]) or on Twitter (@ceisenhood).

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