2015 Chicago Machine Roster

Chicago Machine at the 2013 Great Lakes Regionals.
Photo by Nick Lindeke — UltiPhotos.com

Chicago Machine, one of the top regular season teams in 2014, have just announced their roster — complete with selfies of every confirmed player.

Bold indicates captain; italics indicate rookies

Adrian King
AJ Nelson
Andrew Sheehan
Ben Spielman
Bob Liu
Brett Kolinek
Craig Poeppelman
Cullen Geppert
Dan Williams
George Hughes [returning]
Gregory Slover
Jack Shey
Jonathan Helton
Kevin Kelly
Michael Schwenk [returning]
Neal Phelps
Nick Zeman
Noah Backer
Ron Kubalanza
Stephan Mance
Tim Fergus
Travis Carpenter
Von Alanguilan
Walden Nelson

Coach: Andy Neilsen


Ben Rehmann
Charlie Hubbard
Chris Vandervort
Dave Wiseman
Pat Shriwise
Taylor Kraemer
Tom Annen
Xtehn Titcomb

You can follow Machine on their website, Facebook page, or on Twitter.

  1. Sean Childers

    Sean Childers is Ultiworld's Statistics Co-Editor and manages Ultiworld's analytic content. He started playing ultimate in 2008 for UNC-Chapel Hill Darkside, where he studied Political Science and Computer Science before graduating from NYU School of Law. He has played for LOS, District 5, Empire, PoNY, and Truck Stop (current team). You can email him at [email protected].

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