June 24, 2015 by Sean Childers in Livewire with 3 comments
Chicago Machine, one of the top regular season teams in 2014, have just announced their roster — complete with selfies of every confirmed player.
Bold indicates captain; italics indicate rookies
Adrian King
AJ Nelson
Andrew Sheehan
Ben Spielman
Bob Liu
Brett Kolinek
Craig Poeppelman
Cullen Geppert
Dan Williams
George Hughes [returning]
Gregory Slover
Jack Shey
Jonathan Helton
Kevin Kelly
Michael Schwenk [returning]
Neal Phelps
Nick Zeman
Noah Backer
Ron Kubalanza
Stephan Mance
Tim Fergus
Travis Carpenter
Von Alanguilan
Walden Nelson
Coach: Andy Neilsen
Ben Rehmann
Charlie Hubbard
Chris Vandervort
Dave Wiseman
Pat Shriwise
Taylor Kraemer
Tom Annen
Xtehn Titcomb
You can follow Machine on their website, Facebook page, or on Twitter.