June 10, 2015 by Keith Raynor in Livewire

If you’re tired of the same old same old roster release, Traffic is taking the announcement game to the next level. You can find more entertaining Traffic content on Facebook or on their Twitter, @traffic_ulti.
Traffic 2015 Roster | Vancouver Traffic | Club Women’s
Allie Short
Ashlee Davison
Candice Chan
Carolyn Churchland
Catherine Hui (*)
Corinne Dunwoody
Danie Proby
Devra Waldman
Ellen Schelew
Ellie Hand
Erin Bussin
Eva Cham
Jaimie Kot
Jenn Kwok
Jessica Rockliff
Jessie Bell
Kate Werry
Kathryn Pohran
Katie Berezan
Katie Hikida
Kira Frew
Laura Mason (*)
Laurel Jay
Lauren Kimura
Michelle Ning
Rachel Moens (*)
Reanne Bowlby
Sanya Pleshakov
Terri Whitehead
Yayuk Joffres
Rena Kawabata (team support – out due to ACL)
(*) denotes Captains, rookies in italics
Head Coach: Jeff Cruickshank
Assistant Coach: Amy Hodgins
“Join the Traffic family through the ups, the downs, and the laughter! In today’s episode, Traffic makes family dinner. Later, the rookies try to form a human pyramid… but not if Kira Frew has anything to say about it! Woop, there it is!” – Traffic