Brian Hart for Callahan

Hector Valdivia, Wisconsin’s coach, makes the case for his star:

[quote]…He was a kid with staggering promise who had no idea how good he was, nor how good he was gonna be. It’s only been three years since and the same holds true, only now at the level of the very acme of talent in our sport.[/quote]

[quote]In a time when we’re bombarded with messages telling us to take credit and get ours and suckle beams of spotlight for attention, you would never know how good he is by the way he carries himself.

I guess that’s because aside from incredible talent and panther instincts, he also has humility, which day in and day out seems to be the most difficult thing to cultivate and nourish in ourselves. And he’s that rare person who figured out how to interweave humility and leadership into the same concept. Hart has been an exemplary teammate and friend to all the Hodags in his time here, leading by words and example. There are plays his teammates make that can be attributed to 9 months of being challenged by Hart in practice, always encouraging his match-up, and always winning it.

And there’s another rare gift he shares with Crowley and Callahan, simple but elusive to so many: consistency. If you know Hart you know Hart. He’s as respectful to people on the field as he is off of it, calls games the same from beginning to end, will give you props for making a play on him when you best him, and retain your respect the overwhelming majority of the times that you don’t.[/quote]

I will say, Brian Hart was the best player at Warm Up, hands down. Absolutely crushed it. He didn’t have the same kind of dominance at the Stanford Invite, but he still played quite well.

Certainly a top five candidate, and probably top three.

  1. Charlie Eisenhood
    Charlie Eisenhood

    Charlie Eisenhood is the editor-in-chief of Ultiworld.You can reach him by email ([email protected]) or on Twitter (@ceisenhood).

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