September 28, 2015 by Charlie Eisenhood in Livewire
Not really sure what else to headline this little clip that bubbled up on Reddit. Take a listen to this anonymous rap song! Lyrics below the fold:
Allow me to Heist her
It won’t be a Scandal this man’s not a shyster
A rather polite sir improbably Bent
On gobbling Nightlock to pause an event
Gaze in her Iris then meet our demise
Rise like a Phoenix streaming the skies
Scream in all Capitals: “SHE’S SUPER FLY!”
Tights cover this Brute’S quads’ excellent stride
Schwa in demeanor never seems stressed
Molly Brownin’ her way over bottomless depths
She’s out of reach past the Ozone of lust
I’m stuck in Traffic decide that I must
Frantically Snapchat Show Down my pants
She throws a Riot I’ve ruined my chance
Arises with Fury announces an end to this
Rolls up her sleeves she’s weakness’s Nemesis