Revolver Roster

In case you missed the release on Friday, here is the 2013 San Francisco Revolver roster.

[quote]Devon Anderson
Patrick Baylis
Evan Boucher
Alexander Brammer
Lucas Dallman
Tim Gilligan
Eric Greenwood
Andrew Hagen
Tom James
Jordan Jeffery
Ashlin Joye
Sam Kanner
Ryo Kawaoka
Beau Kittredge
Taylor Lahey
Jonathan Levy
Jordan Marcy
Cassidy Rasmussen
Marcelo Sanchez
Joel Schlachet
Nick Schlag
Mac Taylor
Zach Travis
Nathan White
Josh Wiseman
Russell Wynne

Coach: Mike Payne[/quote]

This list is almost more notable for its absences (Robbie Cahill, Bart Watson [playing for Johnny Bravo], coach Alex Ghesquire) than its additions (Evan Boucher, Lucas Dallman).

  1. Charlie Eisenhood
    Charlie Eisenhood

    Charlie Eisenhood is the editor-in-chief of Ultiworld.You can reach him by email ([email protected]) or on Twitter (@ceisenhood).

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