June 11, 2013 by Charlie Eisenhood in Livewire with 0 comments
Here is the 2013 Showdown roster, just announced this afternoon!
[quote]Anna Schott
Austine Lin
Barbara Karia-Marton
Becca Shelton
Bex Forth
Cara Crouch
Christina Contreras
Diana Charrier
Edith Teng
Enessa Janes
Frances Tsukano
Hannah Giles-Murray
Holly Greunke
Janel Venzant
Jess Huynh
Katey Forth
Lilly White
Lisa Etchison
Marjo Poindexter
Rachel Massey
Sarah Blyth
Sarah Levinn
Sheila Ogden
Shelby Kuni
Shereen Rabie
Tina Woodings[/quote]
Only four player turnover! Adding veteran stud Enessa Janes and Molly Brown’s Anna Schott.