December 6, 2012 by Charlie Eisenhood in Livewire with 2 comments
Reader Cory Casella wonders about the stability of a NexGen league:
[quote]So we saw a start up league with a good talker at the helm fail miserably with Cultimate when it went up against USAU. The main reason it failed was that it relied heavily on one person. This one person happened to be someone who was great at talking, had the big ideas, but couldn’t execute.[/quote]
[quote]Now, with the success of NexGen, you can clearly execute. No doubt about that. But the risk with your league that concerns me is putting all the weight of the league on you. Not saying you’re going to take the money and run, but if something unfortunate were to happen, making you incapable of running the league, what would happen then? With USAU, there is a structure and a team of people already in place. If something happens to any one person in the organization, the organization goes on.
You are asking people to take a huge risk by you being the heart and soul of the league. What can you do to make sure the people who invest in your league are investing in something that could be sustained whether or not you are there?[/quote]