Ultimate Results Coaching Academy Conference Launches This Week

I’m extremely excited about this week’s Ultimate Results Coaching Academy Conference, which kicked off last night with a keynote from Lou Burruss and continues until August 24th. This online conference is the first of its kind in Ultimate and is designed to bring coaching techniques to coaches all over the globe.

Melissa Witmer of Ultimate Results approached me about the concept and about participating early on, and while I was optimistic about a program that was designed to bring expert techniques and concepts to coaches around the world, I hadn’t predicted it would grow to the scale it has. The registrant list is well on its way to over 1000 attendees. The response from people I’ve talked to about the Conference has been incredibly positive.

A major portion of the excitement and buzz stems from the quality of the presenters. The lineup of speakers is a murderers’ row of awesome thinkers from around the game. Want elite coaches who’ve taken teams to the highest levels of performance? Tiina Booth and Ben Wiggins are each presenting. How about elite players who’ve won Club and World Championships? Opi Payne and Gwen Ambler fit the bill. The pantheon of Ultimate fitness experts? Tim Morrill, Ren Caldwell, and Witmer herself are in. I really could spend hours singing the praises of these coaches.

Another reason the event has taken off? Five Ultimate stepped in and, with their sponsorship, made the event completely free to access. Between the online element, the spaced out schedule, and the $free.99 pricetag, URCA 2014 is accessible.

Witmer has long been looking for a way to create resources for coaches, firmly believing that the Ultimate community — particularly the youth level — needs to not only encourage more people to coach, but give them the tools to excel and foster the growth of the sport. Recently, more and more coaching material has become available online: RiseUp, Ultiworld’s breakdowns, Lou Burruss’s column on Skyd, and some great YouTube coaches are all recently developed resources for coaches looking to grow. The URCA will give these elite coaches a platform to educate while giving coaches the chance to interact directly with them.

Am I presenting at the Conference? You bet I am! Is this a giant plug? Yes, yes it is. And registration is still open and VIP passes are still available. But I’m highlighting this event because it has shaped up to be very special. I truly believe this event is going to continue the movement to empower Ultimate coaches in ways that just weren’t possible years ago. As the game grows, so does the way we think about it.

  1. Keith Raynor

    Keith Raynor is a Senior Editor and the Women's Coverage Coordinator at Ultiworld. He coaches Emory Luna, the college's women's team.

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