July 31, 2013 by Charlie Eisenhood in Livewire with 0 comments
We do apologize for the delay, but the US Open tournament package is now available for purchase for those that did not buy the livestreaming package.
You can buy the 8-game package for $10 right here:
The package includes full access (either a download or a stream) to the following games:
Boston Ironside v. San Francisco Revolver (Pool Play)
Raleigh Ring of Fire v. San Francisco Revolver (Pool Play)
Austin Doublewide v. Copenhagen Ragnarok (Pool Play)
Bogotá Euforia v. Raleigh Ring of Fire (Pool Play)
San Francisco Fury v. Seattle Riot [NO AUDIO] (Pool Play)
Seattle Riot v. DC Scandal (Semifinals)
Team USA v. Team Colombia (World Games Showcase)
San Francisco Mischief v. Minneapolis Drag’N Thrust (Semifinals)
All games (excluding Fury v. Riot) have play-by-play and color commentary. For previews of the game footage, you can go to the video-on-demand page and click the green buttons to see each individual game’s preview.
Buy the package and save: