Win A Roster Spot On The ‘Sin The Fields’ Fools Fest Team

fools fest
Illustration: Jack Reickel.

An open letter to our listeners and the ultimate community at large:

After the raucous success of Miami Vice in November, we at Sin The Fields are running back our listener contest from last fall, this time for a chance to play with team STF at Fools Fest.

Fools Fest — organized by the Washington Area Frisbee Club — is the premiere party tournament on the East Coast and is a perfect incubator for all the crazy moments, unbelievable stories, and lifelong regrets that make for STF fodder. Located conveniently just outside of Washington DC over April Fools weekend, it is one of the longest running and most notorious tournaments in the country. Bids are very competitive and there is a long waitlist of players looking for a team, but a lucky few of our loyal listeners will get the chance to bypass the line and find themselves knee deep in the glorious shenanigans of Fool’s this spring.

If you want a chance to play on team STF which will feature us, fellow Ultiworld staffers, and some special guests, send us an application at [email protected].

What makes for a stellar application? Tell us why you’ll make a great teammate at a madhouse environment like Fools, give us your best party tournament story, or just outright belittle us into accepting you. Photographic or video supplements are encouraged.

There’s no time to lose, as all applications must be in by 6:00 PM Eastern on March 14th, and we will announce the contest winners on March 16th.

We had some truly insane people write to us for the Miami Vice contest, but we believe that you can top those lunatics this time around.

Pat and Tad

  1. Patrick Stegemoeller

    Patrick Stegemoeller is a reporter for Ultiworld and a law student who lives in Washington DC. He captained SUNY-Geneseo Snail and began playing ultimate in high school with AUDA of Albany. He hopes that his degree in History will prove to be valuable at some point. You can find him on twitter at @patstegs.

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