Wow! London Flights To Anywhere In Business/First Class For $50!

UPDATE: This deal is dead.

Right now, you can go to, select Denmark as your country, and get incredible flight deals out of London to pretty much anywhere in business and first class. I just booked flight to return from U23 Worlds to New York for less than $50 in business class. Needless to say, the fares won’t last.

Go to and select Denmark in the upper right hand corner. Select your one-way flights (flights INTO London won’t work; only exiting the UK) from London to your destination (try out places like Hawaii and South Africa if you want to extend a vacation!).

Be sure not to sign in with your MileagePlus account or it will stop working. At the end when you submit payment, you enter your credit card information and correct billing address, but DON’T select USA (or anywhere else) as your country. Simply leave it as Denmark. It has worked for me twice as of 10 AM Eastern. Be sure to use a credit card with no foreign transaction fees if you can.

Good luck! These fares will not last so HURRY!

More information here on FlyerTalk.

  1. Charlie Eisenhood
    Charlie Eisenhood

    Charlie Eisenhood is the editor-in-chief of Ultiworld.You can reach him by email ([email protected]) or on Twitter (@ceisenhood).


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