Past Articles in Alika Johnston

  1. Give Her The Rock: Scandal’s Jenny Fey Sets Standard For Offensive Dominance

    In a season filled with standout individual players, Jenny Fey stood above the pack.

  2. Boston Brute Squad Hands The All-Stars Their Third Loss In Final Game Of Tour

    A loss to Brute Squad didn't sour the end of a wonderful two weeks.

  3. Q&A With The All Star Ultimate Tour: Part 1

    This summer’s All Star Ultimate Tour has spotlighted some of the best young talent in the game today.

  4. All Star Ultimate Tour Wins Thrilling Opener In Seattle

    After weeks of anticipation, a hugely successful crowdfunding campaign, and an outpouring of interest and support from the ultimate community, the All Star Ultimate Tour is finally…

  5. U23 Worlds 2015: Team USA Women’s Preview, Presented by VC Ultimate

    In 2013, Team USA competed in its first World Under 23 Ultimate Championships in Toronto, ON.

  6. Women’s “NexGen Tour” Launches Crowdfunding Campaign

    A traveling women's college all-star team could make the rounds in July and August.

  7. 2015 Women’s All-America Teams

    We highlighted 14 of the most talented players in the country.

  8. The Ultiworld Women’s Player Of The Year And College Awards, Presented By The National Ultimate Training Camp

    Ultiworld is pleased to announced the second annual Ultiworld Player of the Year and other individual college awards.

  9. A Very Serious Evaluation Of The Best 2015 Callahan Videos

    Callahan videos are what the Callahan Award is all about, right?

  10. Atlantic Coast Region With Something to Prove at Centex

    In sports, we’re all looking for a winner and a loser. Its a zero-sum game.

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