Past Articles in Practice

  1. Principles & Mechanics Of The Fast Break

    It's one of the easiest ways to catch an opponent off-guard, so what and how should you practice to become an effective fast-break team?

  2. Tuesday Tips: Unconventional Throws To Work On During Indoor Season

    The luxury of calm, controlled conditions make for an ideal environment to workshop some new throws.

  3. Tuesday Tips: The Vertical Stack for Beginners — Its Goal And Your Role, Presented By Five Ultimate

    Knowing the basics of a vertical stack is a fundamental tool in ultimate.

  4. Tuesday Tips: The Importance Of Following The Disc, Presented By Five Ultimate

    All it costs is effort, and you have a chance to be the hero.

  5. Tuesday Tips: In Defense of Lateral Cutting, Presented By Five Ultimate

    Lateral cuts are often decried as poor execution, but they are actually an effective tool for top teams in every division.

  6. Tuesday Tips: Develop Quicker by Seeing Trees Instead of a Forest, Presented by Five Ultimate

    New players, coaches, and captains should keep in mind that making the jump from playing casual pick up ultimate to playing in competitive games is…

  7. Tuesday Tips: 8 Reasons To Add Freestyle To Your Ultimate Training, Presented By Five Ultimate

    Fast-freestyle will develop your throwing and catching more than you might think.

  8. Tuesday Tips: 5 Cutter Moves Guaranteed To Get You Open, Presented By Five Ultimate

    Being fast isn't always enough.

  9. Tuesday Tips: 5 Paths to Change Your Game, Presented by Five Ultimate

    Whether to make a new team, earn a larger role, or extend a career, sometimes it's necessary to refresh your skills or the way you play the game.

  10. Tuesday Tips: How To Avoid Wasting Time At Practice

    Five keys to getting the most of the valuable time you have together with your team.

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