Past Articles in sportscenter

  1. Rule Check: Was Brian Schoenrock’s Highlight Catch Actually A Foul?

    Sound off in the comments.

  2. Two Plays Make Monday’s SportsCenter Top 10

    Ultimate had two plays in the ESPN SportsCenter Top 10, one from Major League Ultimate and one from the USA Ultimate College Championships.

  3. Highlight Reel: AUDL’s Toronto Rush On SportsCenter Top 10

    The Toronto Rush’s Geoff Powell made a great layout grab for the score against the Rochester Dragons, and ESPN picked it up for Monday’s SportsCenter…

  4. The DC Current’s Delrico Johnson Makes The SportsCenter Top 10 at #7

    The DC Current’s Delrico Johnson made the ESPN SportsCenter top 10 plays with his amazing layout catch at a critical moment of the 4th quarter…

  5. MLU’s Jeff Graham Makes #1, Then #2, On ESPN’s SportsCenter Top 10

    The Boston Whitecaps' Jeff Graham made the #1 play on ESPN SportsCenter Top 10 tonight at 11 PM, the station's flagship episode. During the 12 AM episode, when we recorded the clip, he had dropped to number two behind a 12th inning walkoff homerun.

  6. MLU Hits SportsCenter Top 10 With Epic Philly Spinners Catch

    Last night, the Philadelphia Spinners’ Sean Murray’s circus catch was featured at #3 on ESPN’s SportsCenter Top 10.

  7. Highlight Reel: Ultimate On ESPN’s Sportscenter

    This weekend, USA Ultimate got two clips from NGN’s coverage of the Club Championships onto ESPN Sportscenter’s Top 10 plays.

  8. Labor Day Video Recap: Rhino Vs. Doublewide

    Ultiworld and NexGen bring you another recap from the 2012 Labor Day Ultimate Championships. Watch Dylan Freechild and the Portland Rhino take on Austin’s Doublewide.

  9. Brodie Smith Responds To Our Story About ESPN

    Earlier this afternoon, Brodie Smith, a player for Austin’s Doublewide and perhaps the most famous Ultimate player in the world, responded at least somewhat —…

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